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How to Write an Approvable Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP) Webinar
Thursday, February 23, 2023, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM MDT
Category: Events

AHMA Member: $99     Non-Member: $139
Managers should not need a course in statistics or even an MBA to develop an AFHMP that meets the requirements of the current 935.2A form. Using HUD’s instructions, the webinar takes the participants through the process of completing a sample AFHMP including how to obtain and interpret the census data, how to identify community contacts and work with the field office, and how to expedite the approval process.

Gwen Volk
Gwen Volk – Since 1984, Gwen Volk has assisted owners, agents, and on-site staff in navigating the programs that provide housing for low and moderate income families. Her experience includes 16 years as VP and CEO for a Midwest property management company and 13 years as compliance director for a Dallas firm overseeing LIHTC, tax-exempt bond, HOME, and Section 8 compliance on more than 50 properties in 11 states.

Through Gwen Volk INFOCUS, Inc., she has provided HUD and Tax Credit training and consulting in 36 states. Gwen has twice served on NAHMA’s board of directors and chaired its Fair Housing and Training and Education committees. Since 2009 she has been a member of IREM’s Federal Housing Advisory Board. She serves on the SHCM Technical (Exam) Committee and is the current chair of the SHCM Advisory Committee.

She holds the CPM, NAHP-e, SHCM, HCCP, CPO, FHC and RAM designations and is a NAHMA-certified trainer for the CPO, FHC and ACPO courses. Gwen is an informative and engaging instructor who uses an active learning approach.