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Nebraska Spring Workshop
Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM MST
Category: Events

DoubleTree by Hilton Omaha Downtown
1616 Dodge Street
Omaha, NE 68102
Phone: (402) 346-7600

Fees: Registration includes Continental Breakfast, lunch and breaks 
AHMA Members: $225
Non-Members: $325



The Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act has substantially changed how income is calculated for affordable housing programs. Randy McCall with US Housing Consultants, will provide a comprehensive review of asset and income calculations under HOTMA. This session will also cover:

  • Determining household size
  • Earned Income (Wages, Self-Employment, Military Pay)
  • Unearned Income
  • Dependent Deduction
  • Childcare Expenses and Hardships
  • Disability Assistance Expenses and Hardships
  • Elderly/Disabled Household Deduction
  • Medical Expenses and Hardships
  • Asset Inclusions
  • Asset Exclusions
  • Imputing Asset Income
  • Asset Limitation (Applies to Section 8 only!)

Fair Housing

Ensuring that all applicants and residents are treated fairly and consistently remains to be at the core of all housing management. IT is essential that all staff have a firm understanding of fair housing law. In this session we will cover:

  • Protected Classes
  • Prohibited Acts
  • Civil Rights Regulations
  • VAWA Status and Overview
  • Current issues and trends

Contract Management Services Update

Carlita Alegria, the Director for Contract Management Services will provide a brief update on recent developments and current issues as well as answer some of your questions.