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Utah Spring Workshop
Thursday, May 23, 2024, 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM MST
Category: Events

MAY 23RD, 2024
9:00am - 5:30pm 
Embassy Suites by Hilton South Jordan
10333 S Jordan Gtwy
South Jordan, UT 84095
Phone: 801-617-4041

Fees: Registration includes Continental Breakfast, lunch and breaks
AHMA Members: $225
Non-Members: $325






The Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act has substantially changed how income is calculated for affordable housing programs. Randy McCall with US Housing Consultants, will provide a comprehensive review of asset and income calculations under HOTMA. This session will also cover:

Topics include:

  • Determining household size
  • Earned Income (Wages, Self-Employment, Military Pay)
  • Unearned Income
  • Dependent Deduction
  • Childcare Expenses and Hardships
  • Disability Assistance Expenses and Hardships
  • Elderly/Disabled Household Deduction
  • Medical Expenses and Hardships
  • Asset Inclusions
  • Asset Exclusions
  • Imputing Asset Income
  • Asset Limitation (Applies to Section 8 only!)

Violence Against Women's Act

The Violence Against Women Act of 1994 or, as it is more commonly called, “VAWA” is a federal law that was created to provide survivors of domestic violence housing protections in affordable housing. VAWA is essential to ensure that survivors do not lose their housing or are denied housing for being a victim of violence enacted upon them. 

VAWA went into effect for the first time in 2005 applying to Section 8 properties but was expanded in 2013 to include most other affordable housing programs including LIHTC, HOME and RD.

This webinar will go over any new updates that expanded the law in 2013 as well as any new updated included in the 2022 update.

Topics of Discussion will be:

·        VAWA Overview

·        VAWA Reauthorization of 2013 Expansion

  • Types of violence
  • Lease bifurcation
  • Emergency transfers
  • ​Termination of assistance 
  • Documentation requirements
  • Ensuring confidentiality
  • Implementation of Other Housing Programs

Contract Management Services Update

Carlita Alegria the Director for Contract Management Services will provide a brief update on recent developments and current issues as well as answer some of your questions.




NSPIRE New Standards and Scoring

HUD REAC Inspections have used an inspection protocol known called UPCS since 1999. As of October of 2023, all of the deficiencies of UPCS will be sunset and replaced with a new set of standards called "NSPIRE." Now it's time for owners, management agents, and site management and maintenance team members to familiarize themselves with the new set of rules. In this full-day workshop, we will break down the new rules, deficiencies, and expectations for everyone involved.

NSPIRE is more than just a new checklist of inspection items, it's an attempt to align the inspection standards for all HUD programs, including CPD and Voucher programs. These new standards will also add new design requirements which may require property owners to invest in upgrades to their properties to meet NSPIRE's new standards.

Additionally, REAC's new inspection procedures will include new online reporting systems, self-inspection requirements, and new consequences for failing scores.

Joe Reynolds of US Housing Consultants will present this full-day comprehensive course to discuss the new rules, procedures, and standards for NSPIRE. In this session, he will discuss:

• Background of NSPIRE

• Explanation of the Changes and Concepts of NSPIRE

• Online reporting system and requirements

• NSPIRE Scoring Methodology

• Impact of NSPIRE Changes on HOME, LIHTC, and other Programs

• New NSPIRE Scoring Methodology

• NSPIRE Standards - Life Safety, Bathroom, Kitchens, and Finishes

• NSPIRE Standards - Windows/Doors, Electrical, Mechanical, Structural, Site/Grounds, Hazards


Each attendee of the training will be provided with training materials that will make the class easy to follow and provide a rich reference guide after the class. US Housing Consultants has reformatted HUD's NSPIRE standards from the 600+ page series of documents to a streamlined and easy to follow inspection guide that is approximately 60 pages.